I helped a friend of mine install Linux-Mandrake 6.1pre, and we ran
into a problem with it- it doesn't see his Tulip 24020 NIC.  During the
installation, we chose the DEC Tulip 21040 card, but install says it
doesn't see it anywhere in the system!  This card works fine in Windows.

The manufacturer has a Linux driver available for download- you download
the file, compile it, and get a kernel module: tulip.o

However, we've run into another problem.  After compiling it, we [are
told by the manufacturer's web page to] run the following commands:

# depmod -a
/lib/modules/2.2.13-2mdk/net/tulip.o: unresolved symbol(s)
/lib/modules/2.2.13-2mdk/misc/wavefront.o: unresolved symbol(s)
/lib/modules/2.2.13-2mdk/misc/eicon.o: unresolved symbol(s)

Forgive me for being an ignorant savage: I'd think that having
unresolved symbols would be a bad thing (i.e. that module is broken?),
so why would there be unresolved symbols in modules included with

# modprobe tulip.o
/lib/modules/2.2.13-2mdk/net/tulip.o: kernel-module version mismatch
        /lib/modules/2.2.13-2mdk/net/tulip.o was compiled for kernel version 
        while this kernel is version 2.2.13-2mdk.           

Wait a minute!  Why would the version of the included kernel source be
different from the version of the compiled kernel?!  Anyway, I
remembered (or thought I did) that the kernel version number was set in
the Makefile, so I thought (apparently incorrectly) that if I changed
"-4_pre2mdk" to "-4mdk" in the Makefile, then the module version for
the tulip module would then be the same as the kernel.  However,
after recompiling, all the error messages returned, with no changes. 
Could this version mismatch also be the cause of the "unresolved
symbols" from depmod's output, or is that unrelated to this?

How can I change the module version to match the kernel version?  Also,
why does the included kernel source have a different version number
than the precompiled kernel?

-Matt Stegman

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