> I recently purchased a IBM 500 MHz Pentium III Aptiva, with 128M,
> RW-drive, 17 G hard drive, and a DVD.
> IBM's technical support just told me that if I try to put linux on the
> system, they can not guarantee that I can get anything ever running on
> the computer again, and will not give technical support even to restore
> Windows 98, if my installation would be unsuccessful.
> I thought that IBM, in general, does not object to running Linux on
> their PCs. (Currently I am running Mandrake-Linux on a Gateway, and that
> company's technical support never objected to it, they just did not
> support it).

Yea, doesn't surprise me.  From the same dumb@$$'s that had a
superior OS ( OS/2 ) and couldn't figure out what to do with it.

Tech support, phone, faq , and notebooks.

You will get better info here on this list than any tech support.
( and unlike M$, you won't be put on hold for an hour ).

> I would like to know if there is some problem with running Linux on
> Aptiva. I would appreciate if somebody would reply who has already
> successfully installed Linux on a Pentium III Aptiva., or could note get
> LINUX running on it.

I don't see why not unless there's some specific hardware issue.
If it's got USB, disable it.
Other than that, it's your computer.

Coming to you with Linux-Mandrake 6.0

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