On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Arandir wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Lord And Master;) wrote:
> > I have a dozzy, I want to be able to run the gnome/enlightenment combo
> > but I want to use the KFM for the desktop, is this possible? I can boot
> > the KFM under the gnome/enlightemnet combo but it sits on top of the
> > gnome desktop, is there a way to shut down the gnome desktop icons? hmm
> > wait maybe I could just delete the gnome desktop icons lol.. but is
> > there a better way?
> You will have to create a custom version of .xinitrc or .Xclients, otherwise
> the Redhat desktop switcher will kick in.
> Try putting this in your .Xclients:
> panel &
> kfm &
> exec enlightenment
> This will start up the gnome panel, kfm and enlightenment.

There is a session manager some where (forgot the exec sorry), think it's
in the gnome controls. If that fails you can always remove it from the
.gnome/panelrc (again filenames probably wrong) you can't really miss it
once you start looking. 

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