Hello Mandrakers!

I just installed Mandrake 6.1 (Helios) on my box at work and am having problems
getting the mail to work.  The domain name is copan.emporia.edu.  I can send
mail from my computer (using mail or kmail) but I don't seem to be able to get
any email to my computer (looking in /var/spool/mail/luke) from outside my
domain.  I can ftp or telnet into copan.emporia.edu from elsewhere but any mail
sent to (for example) [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to get lost somewhere.  From
a different account (and domain) I send the mail to copan.emporia.edu and I
don't get any kind of bounced mail either.  

Any suggestions?  I am using the defaults as set up with the Helios 6.1
distribution (other than entering my domain/ip/dns stuff). 


ps. Sorry if this level of a problem/message should have been sent to the
newbie list.
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