On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> At 07:47  27/10/99 +0200, you wrote:
> >> > And where are the answers? ;-) Oh, yeah, I know, in the archives
> >> > <sigh>. 
> If the answers are here, why not make #1 and #2
> #1: Search the archives first before posting
> #2: Archives located at http://www.whereever.they.are.hosted.at/
> This cuts out 4 questions easy... I know we wanna make Linux more 'user
> friendly', but if people are being handed all their answers on a platter,
> they won't learn to search or use external resources... 
> *turns list anti-M$ flame off* 
> Just look how hard it is to get anything from the M$ website for any of
> your problems, yet they make huge amounts of dough and no one cares 
> *turns anti-M$ flame back on*
> >From the time I first used my first *NIX till now I always search archives
> first/'the web' and then ask the lists.... how hard can it be for anyone else
Another big one would be "Turn **OFF**  HTML posting in
Outlook/Outlook Express & Netscape before posting to the

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