At 09:45  3/11/99 +0100, you wrote:
>At our office, the dhcp server is NT4 server :-( By the way, i can get
>an IP address from my linux box with dhcpcd or pump. But, the NT server
>is couple with the DNS/NIS server (unix box) i.e. When the NT server
>attribute a new ip address to an windows box (9x or NT) it transfer the
>new coordinate (hostname, ip address and mac address) to the NIS/DNS
>server. After a short delay, the new PC are registred in the unix
>community, and you can apply some authentification (export NFS file only
>to a group of machine ...) restriction.

just a thought, but do you have samba running? I don't know much about
WinNT's DHCP server, but maybe it captures the Windows networking name of
the PC also when allocating. If you don't have samba running then it can't
capture a Windows networking name, and that maybe why.. try it out and let
us know


Geoff Croxson
Page me           
Senior Micro-Computing Support Officer     Ph: 9514 1218
Humanities and Social Sciences             Fax:9514 1041
University of Technology, Sydney           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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