:>This describes setting your sendmail daemon to relay all mail thru the
:>specified host (your isp), not the same thing..
:>> Hope this helps (a bit)
:>> Herman
:>If your going to use your isp's mailserver why run one on the local
:>machine.. But yes if you set a smtp in your mail client it will bypass the
:>local server and if it doesn't get there you don't have to worry about
:>what went wrong you just call the isp and tell them "fix your s**t, it's
:>broke). If you set relay-host you have to maintain sendmail..

I suppose there is one good reason to do so - if there is no sendmail on
the system, how do you get the outgoing mail processed in case you do not
have a permanent connection? With sendmail, I just run the "sendmail -q"
from "/etc/ppp/ip-up.local", and all the e-mails get forwarded to a "smart
host". How would you do this withouth sendmail? 

Another question is - even if you have a permanent connection, what would
one do in case the e-mail cannot be forwarded to a mail-hub imediately
and you do not have sendmail configured? At work i have several "client"
machines which have "sendmail -q" started from cron every hour...  

Getting rid of the sendmail altogether may be a noble target, but how do I
handle the mail waiting in the mailq then?

Below is a part of my sendmail configuration at home: 

# Alias for this host
Cw localhost fudo
# Virtual email domain
# who I masquerade as (null for no masquerading)
# Smart host
# Use this mailer to reach the Smart host
# Central host for local mail
# class L: names that should be delivered locally, even if we have a relay
CLroot denis fuada
# class E: names that should be exposed as from this host, even if we


Denis Havlik  |||   http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
             (@ @)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       

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