:>I have a request, since we are talking about fax solutions for Linux. I
:>would like to see a fax client for Linux capable of working with a
:>Winfax Pro 9 fax server. Since this works as the typical "print driver"
:>format of fax client/server, I'm sure it wouldn't be too be of a chore
:>for a skilled developer to come up with a gui and get the print stream

Sure. Just how much are you going to pay for it :-) 

Talking about the fax:

In the meantime, I have set-up my fax-server with mgetty+sendfax. I like
it very much as it is:


      faxspool <NUMBER|ALIAS> file(s)


      lpr -P fax -C <NUMBER|ALIAS|name@NUMBER> file(s)

To make life even easier for my wife, I have also defined a "faxscan"

function faxscan () {
        echo "scaning the image and sending it to $1"
        scanimage --resolution 204 |lpr -P fax -C $1


As an extra, all the faxes withh numbers beginning with "0" get an
additional "1007" in front which lowers my telephone bill :-))


All the received faxes are e-mailed to me and to my wife as mime-encoded
e-mail attachements.


However, I had to invest quite some time to get it working, and had to
change some scripts...

As soon as I have finished the setup at work, I will post it here and
send e-mails to authors of the addons i used and changes I had to make. I
hope someone will put a new RPM together with all the stuff on its place. 

(I still do not understand some implications of the lpr->fax gateway. In
particular, i have not yet tried it at work, so i can just hope network
printing will work properly). 


PS. Has anybody got the "KSendfax" working? 
Denis Havlik  |||   http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
             (@ @)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       

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