:~>It doesn't seem to be related to X or window managers -even after
:~>telinit 3; emacs takes about the same time. Memory/CPU indicators
:~>(under Gnome) show memory 95% full, no swapping; CPU usage jumps
:~>to 20% first second after issuing 'emacs' command, then drops down to
:~>zero for the next 3-4 secs, then jumps to 100% and after this emacs
:~>finally emerges.
:~>For comparison: on my office machine (Pentium 450Mhz, 128 meg RAM,
:~>RH6.0) emacs starts in under one second.

It could be your HD. If you start xemacs, stop it and start again, does it
start much faster? If yes - it is certainly your HD. First time it has to
read the stuff from the HD, but the second time it has it buffered...
(Listen to your HD - on first start it schould be working hard to load
emacs, but not on the second)

Mag. Denis Havlik  <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
University of Vienna    |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austria                (@ @)       tel: (++431) 4277/51179         

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