I use Star Office and find it excellent, I import MS docs
all the time in my work and have no problems.  I have
imported mostly WP docs but have done a couple spreadsheets
without problem, and one presentation which came out only
pretty good.  A little fiddling with it and it was fine.

I don't do graphics, but my son is a graphic designer and
college student majoring in graphic design.  His opinion of
GIMP when he came home on break was that it "sucks".  Two
weeks later he had added plugins, filters, macros, and
generally built something that he liked and is using in his
work.  Will he delete $1000 of Adobe products from his
computer, He best not, but he did take his computer back
duel booting with linux because of graphic tools.

As a programmer, I often wonder about OS specific programs.
Will you ever see MS port VB to linux? While VB is a nice
program, it isn't the world, We shouldn't limit ourselves.

Linux business aps are appearing everyday.  I am thrilled
with the amount of work being done to fill this gap.  Is it
filled yet, no, but its getting better everyday.

Instead of looking at programs we can't get, why not look at
those we can run. Wine supports many programs, and there are
good replacements for many others.  

I guess I remember when Mac people thought windows such a
poor OS, because they couldn't routinely read their Claris
Works documents. <grin>


Christopher Cox wrote:
> > There is a good "Excel-compatible" spreadsheet in Star
> > Office. Also SO is backwards-compatible with Office-97's
> > word DOC files. It is my understanding that GIMP is quite a
> > powerful graphics editor. Also, Star Office has a
> > presentatino program which I think is supposed to be
> > compatible with Powerpoint. That only leaves Quicken,
> > Turbotax and VB.
> >       John
> I have yet to load Star Office, but have it sitting next to me. Gimp does
> net even come close to a Image Composer of sorts. I will play with Star
> Office to see what that plugs up. The off the shelf stuff like Quiken,
> TurboTax and the lack of a VB is really going to be tough to fill.
> Later
> Christopher Cox

Ron Marriage
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