John Aldrich wrote:

> On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> >       No, there's also Visio, PVCS, Visual Studio, Schedule+, Macromedia
> > Director, Adobe Premiere/AfterEffects, TruSpace, AutoCAD, etc., etc., etc.
> > Besides that, Star Office does not interoperate with my other desktop
> > applications.
> >
> Agreed. However, I was just pointing out that of the examples you
> listed, at least half had counterparts under Linux, if not that
> version. Also, more and more companies are porting their apps to
> linux. Macromedia is coming out with a version of their software for
> Linux, I've heard. Assuming Schedule+ is some sort of appointment
> book/organizer software, you'll find a counterpart in Linux. I'm not
> saying there's not room for the EXACT same MS Operating system
> clients under Linux, I'm just saying that I think there are
> comparable programs for more of them than you realize.
> >
> >       I am one of the most passionate Linux supporters
> > you'll ever meet. I use it everyday and on 6 machines in my home
> > network.  But we cannot put ourselves in denial re: the lack of
> > certain business applications.  Much work is left to be done.
> >
> No question. I just think you're seeing the glass as "half-empty"
> when I'm seeing it as "half-full." ;-)
>         John

I think the glass is twice as big as it needs to be (hehehe)

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

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