>>> "Eric" == Eric Dupre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Eric> Hi all,

    Eric> I just learned that I missed Alternative Linux (The first
    Eric> Linux/GNU/Opensource in Quebec) I'm really sad I missed
    Eric> it....:(

    Eric> Is there a mailling list that anounce all Linux events???



shows the linux-announce mailing list as a mailing list for the
newsgroup comp.os.linux.announce.  The list is number 38 in the list
of 174 Linux mailing lists on that page.

The page has forms with which you may subscribe to the lists on the

Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
X-Mailer: XEmacs 21.1, VM 6.75 and random-sig.el
Kernel 2.2.13-29mdk
Nov 16 St Gertrude
Adauge nobis fidem!

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