On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Geoff Croxson wrote:

> At 04:34  16/11/99 -0900, you wrote:
> >I don't know how to set things right again.
> >I am very clueless concerning permissions so if someone could help me 
> >with this it would be appreciated. 
> chown root /dev/dsp
> chown root /dev/audio

may need to reset the group also, and you've left out /dev/mixer ;)

chown root:audio /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer*
> do that as root
> Regards
> Geoff Croxson
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Page me http://wwp.mirabilis.com/1120068         
> Senior Micro-Computing Support Officer           Ph: 9514 1218
> Humanities and Social Sciences           Fax:9514 1041
> University of Technology, Sydney         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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