Nope no "toddler" hands at this keyboard though sometimes my "hamfisted" 
approach can do some damage . However in this case:

Rebooting and dmesg would give me the line # in isapnp.conf where the
problem was.
What happened in each case al the way through the file was one word , 
For instance: 'line 347' would be the word 'required'
The following error occurred running the isapnp program:  x
         x                                                           x
         x Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0044/895646 (LD   x
         x 2 on or around line 347                                   x
         x /etc/isapnp.conf:347 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing    x
         x config file --- no action taken

# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be
changed if

Recommenting 'required' as it sat would bump the line error number to
the next instance
of uncommented word 'required' ? (A strange error thats for sure)

The "SB16: Bad or missing 16 bit DMA channel"  I get from the bootup

#vi /var/log/dmesg
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
SB 4.13 detected OK (220)
SB16: Bad or missing 16 bit DMA channel
<SoundBlaster EMU8000 (RAM0k)>

This message was not there before and it would be nice to track down the
but right now I am thankful to have sound though the permissions problem
lurks inspite of Axalon's and Civileme's excellant suggestions.

However that issue is address in another post!

William BOuterse
Juneau, Alaska

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