Hi Dennis adn all,
Yes , we are taking about the same thing.
Thanks alot for responding my email.
With kppp, I able to connect to local ISP. By similar scripts except the
dial-out number(HPUX), It coundn't work. Do you have any idea why and how to
fix it? What are the possible areas I should look into.

Thanks in advance.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Denis Havlik
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Looking for ReflextionX equilavent software in

:>I have a HPUX server with modem configured for dial-in. At home, I have
:>linux as well as Solaris 7.  A the moment, I can dial-up to my HPUX from
:>Win98 with the help of ReflextionX.
:>I wonder what is the software which is equivalent in capability as
:>ReflextionX that runs on linux or/and Solaris 7. If possible that can also
:>do X-window - CDE.

I hope we are talking about the same "Reflection" program...

Reflection is primary a X-server for Windows. You can use it to run
X-based programs on windows-based machines (if you have any), or to log-in
to a unix machine and run some programs there. It can also
turn your windows machine into X-terminal, if that is what you want - this
is how I have been using it for some time. It works well, except for the
shaped windows, as far as i can remember.

It is not vendor-specific, hence it will work with linux or any other
unix. By the way, reflection is not the only X-server for windows. As far
as I know, there is at least a dozen of similar programs, some of them
even freely available (no idea how good they are).

hope this helps

Denis Havlik  |||   http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
             (@ @)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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