On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Denis Havlik wrote:

> Hi
> I have found two X- (kde-) related bugs in mandrake:
> 1) in kde, screen locking does not work properly with NIS accounts.
>       current solution is setting the kcheckpass "suid root".

I've yet to set this up localy, they've got a test setup at the office.
We'll have a look
> 2) Users are not warned that they have to change passwords,
> because the passwd is going to expire soon. I have heard that this
> condition even crashes xdm, but have not verified it since I use kdm.   

yikes, i wonder who over looked that. don't login via console and it never
tells you the pass is going to expire =X 
>       My current attempt at a solution is checking for this condition in 
>       "Give console". However it seams as if the kdm would ignore the
>       "GiveConsole". Any ideas?

should be trivial to get kdm to use GiveConsole, Mosfet?

> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> My whish would be to check for the existence of "./ssh/identity" and
> "ssh-agent" in (standard) Xsession. If both are found, one should exec
> "ssh-agent startkde" 
> instead of just "startkde" in the "Xsession". Same with the gnome/Wm & co.
> I can post my altered "Xsession" which does exactly this if you are
> willing to give it a try.  

Sure send it, I will see to integrate it with initscripts and others so we
can make it an option in /etc/sysconfig to force it system wide or make it
a per-user option

> Yours
>       Denis
> P.S. Sorry for cross-posting. I think this is interesting for both mailing
> lists, and I am not sure how many people actually subscribe both of them,
> or where to post in order to reach both developers and "experts".
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Mag. Denis Havlik  <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
> University of Vienna    |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Austria                (@ @)       tel: (++431) 4277/51179         
> -------------------oOO--(_)--OOo---------------------

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