On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, David Hart wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Ramon Gandia wrote:
> > Oh, if you can ping anything, then your PPP is up.  This
> > sounds like a routing problem.
>       Infinate thanks for the suggestions. Now I know what was wrong and
> how I fixed it, just can't figure out why it was happening. For some reason, I
> wasn't getting a local IP address dynamically assigned with this ISP. I had
> checked dynamic IP in the KPPP setup, just like the other 2 ISP's I have access
> to, but the output of ifconfig showed:
> ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
>               inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
>       Where is the eth0 address of my machine on my little lan. After
> pouring over the PPP FAQ and HOW-TO, I got the idea to use "noipdefault" from
> the man page (so man pages really are all you need?!), which worked great. I
> just don't get why this ISP would need the "noipdefault" when the others don't
> and I get local addresses from them just fine.        

Hmpf, I'd have never guessed this one. I've seen them reject eth ip's and
the whole thing time out, but never seen one that accepted

>       One more question: each of my account configurations in the kpprc file
> has a line "IPAddr=". Anybody know what exactly that line does and
> whether it should be commented out in this case. Looks kinda suspicious....
>       Thanks again, Ramon.

Tells it it'd like it's ip assigned, i forget which rfc contains dhcp but
the in depth answer is there.

>  -- 
> David Hart
> Vincity Design
> *Proudly sent from Linux Mandrake 6.1*

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