Ok. I am not sure if this is off topic or not so
bare with me. My work network is a NT network
and most of the computers are Win98 or NT. As
a matter of fact only three are others(2 linux
boxes and 1 Mac). Our network has two different
sets of IP blocks for use. Since they are different
if I use an IP from the block that is not part
of the main IP adresses I can not see my computer from
another win computer. I can not communicate with
the other block of IPs. I can still connect to the mail
server and the internet. I think the firewall the company
has up may be blocking access between the two
blocks of IP addresses since SAMB uses TCP/IP to
communicate to the network. The network servers
are on the main block of IPs and I don't want to
have to go back to DHCP because that's just as useless.
Any ideas on how to get around this problem?
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