under Windows NT, you have the ability (under the "advanced" button in
tcp/ip settings) to have multiple ip addresses or networks on your

  also, under linux, using ip alias, you can have multiple ip addresses or
networks on your machine.  linuxconf may set that up for you.


On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Sean Armstrong wrote:

> Ok. I am not sure if this is off topic or not so
> bare with me. My work network is a NT network
> and most of the computers are Win98 or NT. As
> a matter of fact only three are others(2 linux
> boxes and 1 Mac). Our network has two different
> sets of IP blocks for use. Since they are different
> if I use an IP from the block that is not part
> of the main IP adresses I can not see my computer from
> another win computer. I can not communicate with
> the other block of IPs. I can still connect to the mail
> server and the internet. I think the firewall the company
> has up may be blocking access between the two
> blocks of IP addresses since SAMB uses TCP/IP to
> communicate to the network. The network servers
> are on the main block of IPs and I don't want to
> have to go back to DHCP because that's just as useless.
> Any ideas on how to get around this problem?
> Thanx,
> SA
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