On Sat, Dec 18, 1999 at 11:24:30AM -0500, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
> Is there a trick to installing source RPMs?  I 
> downloaded  samba-2.0.5a-3mdk.src.rpm from one of the
> mandrake mirrors, and installed it using 'rpm -ivh' (like all the binaries 
> I do successfully).  When I then
> query for the file list, I get told it isn't installed?
> [root@sphinx local]# rpm -ivh samba-2.0.5a-3mdk.src.rpm
> samba                       ##################################################
> [root@sphinx local]# rpm -ql samba-2.0.5a-3mdk.src.rpm
> package samba-2.0.5a-3mdk.src.rpm is not installed
SRPMS don't show up as being installed in the RPM database.
look in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS  (I think it is the same on Mandrake)
then do an rpm -ba foo.spec (and watch the package build)
this should leave a RPM and SRPM in the appropriate dirs under
the /usr/src/redhat/ tree.

or just rpm --rebuild foo.src.rpm then look in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/*
for the binary RPM.

Shane Owenby
IBM Linux Technology Center

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