> I am using KDE-1.1.2 on Mandrake/Venus and am having a very minor, but
> annoying, reoccuring problem.  Every time that I start KDE as a user it insists
> on putting all of the default installation icons on the desktop.  If I take the
> unwanted icons out of /home/smolnar/Desktop KDE puts them right back in, either
> when I close that session or open the next one.  (This doesn't happen in the
> root desktop.)
> >From whence come the unwanted icons and how may I eliminate the annoyance.
> Thanks in advance.
> ---
> ----------------------------------
> Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.                             Life is a fuzzy set
> Foundation for Chemistry                             Multivariant and stochastic
> http://web.jadeinc.com/FoundationChem

>From what I understand if you delete them whilst logged in as root they stay gone.
(Don't know for sure until I get a chance to try it myself)

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

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