I have been unsuccessfully trying to reinstall L-M 6.1 on my computer the
last two days. About halfway through the format of hdb1 (my second and
designated Linux HD) I repeatedly receive this message....

install exited abnormally...
received signal 7...
sending termination signals...
done sending kill signals...
done unmounting filesystems...
you may safely reboot your system

I have NO idea what is going on here. I have installed/uninstalled Linux on
this HD many, many times without a hitch. It happens whether I boot to the
CD-ROM or use a boot disk. Using a Gateway 2000
HDA-Win98 13GB HD
HDB-(Hopefully again!) LM 6.1 4.3GB HD

The only thing differnt on my system since last reinstall is an Iomega ZIP
Please, any help on this would be much appreciated! I have made
approximately 20 attempts without success.

John Connell
Multimedia Team Leader
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Milan MI 48160

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