Kevin....the only way I know to get Linux file system (ext2)
formatted zip discs is to format them yourself with the linux
command mkfs or mke2fs.  When you buy zip discs in the store
they are factory formatted and that file system is vfat
(dos/windows).  These factory formatted (or ones you've
formatted with the iomega zip disc formatting program in
windows) discs are partitioned as primary partition 4 so linux
calls the device hda4 (or hdb4 or hdc4 or hdd4 or sca4 or

Your fstab entry is wrong, it needs to look like this (no matter
what the system says at bootup):

/dev/hdd4       /mnt/zip        auto    defaults        0 0

the /mnt/zip directory is just what it says, a subdirectory
named /zip located in the /mnt subdirectory.

At the command line in a console environment type mount /mnt/zip
and then type ls /mnt/zip

there will appear a directory listing of whatever is on the disc
that is inserted in the drive atb the time you typed the


KevinBoylan wrote:
> >> Kevin....if youy're using factory formatted media then it will identify
> >> as hdd4 (partition 4).
> I read in a how-to that it is not known why hdd4 was chosen.
> But I'm curious.  By factory formatted media, do you (Alan) mean
> dos/Windows or linux formatted? The disks I would have in my zip drive
> would be dos formatted.
> On boot up the system definitely recognizes that there is an ATAPI zip
> drive and it says it is hdd (just hdd with no number).  But if I add
> /dev/hdd       /mnt/zip        auto    defaults        0 0
> to fstab, I don't get any errors, but I can't seem to see anything on the
> drive.  Do I just create the /mnt/zip directory as a regular directory or
> does it have to be created in any special way?
> Thanks,
> Kevin

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