
You are a jewel!!! I knew some of the stuph about modems but not nearly
as much. I suspect if I was on the server end I'd be alot smarter about
a lot of related things. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

When you have a little time, I'd like to pose a question about modems
and connections. When I lived in Ok I bought a new 56k v.90 which had a
decent connect (48-51) rate. And d/l was good too. Then I moved to
Missouri. I tried 3 different ISP's and the best local connection I
could get was 26.6. I resolved it by buying a USR external and have been
happy as a clam ever since. I suspect the internal was a winmodem that
was having trouble with the router but the ISP couldn't/wouldn't
confirm or deny it. I'm curious what you think. I've never gotten a
sensible answer.   

Indentally I moved from tornado alley and a rural electric company. WE
had surges, brownouts and outages all the time. After the first outage
during a bright, calm sunny day which fried the modem, I bought a UPS. 
It alerted me several times a day so I knew there were problems in the
area somewhere. Now I am in town with an outstanding power company. UPS
has alerted twice and both times it was storm related. They are great!
I have a screwy set up. I run everything including modem thru a MAX
surge protector before it goes to the UPS. One plug disconnects it all
instantly. Hopefully the USR will die of old age. LOL I'd lock my sys
down tighter if I knew how. 

What amazes me the most is that computer savvy people do not have UPS
and then complain when they lose equipment. Of course these are the same
experts who run IE with Java and DirectX and use Outlook. :-) 

Thanks again for the education. You guys are great!


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