yes, i used this way my last install yesturday, and it works much

whats funny about the install yesturday is, when i created the account
the install, i could log into the new user account, but nothing but dark
blue desktop.
ie: no icons, task bar , nothing.....used Cajus suggestiong , and can
now get full 

so i guess another bug will be fixed for the bug fix release 7.1. fixed
by people 
who decided to use a New release of Mandrake, thinking that, they were
a new distro that would not have such silly bugs as this in it.

but i guess that's what u get for pushing a distro out the door, when it
was not ready,

JUST, to be the so called FIRST distro of the millenium, albiet, a bug
infested release
that it is....

It is funny though.......

I install Win98, get to my desktop, and, lo and behold, i have full
access to my floppy drive, cdrw,
and soundcard, it even sets up my scsi card and recognizes my scanner
attached to my scsi card....

What do i get with 7...

a totally redundent package selection during install, and after spending
an hour going through all the
packages, finding that there is still stuff in there that i have not

add a new user, and cant even get a proper desktop out of it, cant get
into my floppy, or cdrw, 
and also cannot even play mp3 of my drive, because my name brand
Creative SB16 is not even recognized!!!
and then during reboots, getting kudzu coming up, removing my cdrw
drive, and then re-installing it, 
and still not being able to access it when the desktop comes up,a far
cry from 6.1, and silly me thinking 
when a new release come out, that it would be an improvement from a
previous release.....

OK i'm finished venting......

I apologize to the list for this, but, i've had 32 core dumps since the
install yesturday, and counting...

all from this kioslave thingy, and have yet to see any resolve on the
list for it....

maybe in bug fix release 7.1...


Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Cajus....was this in the user account created during
> installation?  In that account, I couldn't change the colors (I
> disliked the yellow title bars on the windows).  So when the
> suggestion came from a message on this list to delete the
> account made during installation and make a new one, I did so
> and it solved the problem.  Your method is much less labor
> intensive than recreating an account that's already been heavily
> customised :-)

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