michael....I'm sorry, I hope you and the Mandrake staff get the
xfs problem solved soon.
If you'd like to talk about cut & paste, maybe there's something
we can stumble on that will fix that part of your problem.


michael chopek wrote:
> Hi Alan;
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Alan Shoemaker scribed:
> => -michael....I just cut your signature out of the message I'm
> => responding to an pasted it at he beginning here.  I'm in Kedit
> => and am going to paste this into my reply in netscape when I'm
> => done.
> Well *for me* it just does not work..
> I tried to paste the URL out of my sig file into Netscape and it does
> not work...no how. :-(
> I pasted it fine into KEdit..copied out of there and it does not work
> for me.
> =>So far I really like using my floppy, cd and
> zip in => supermount and have experienced no problems with the feature.
> again...for me trying to use my CDR....that had "supermount" in the
> fstab entry would just not work.
> => Well, that was a success ;-)  Mike, I hope you solve your
> => problems.
> The copy_&_paste thing is trivial and I can/will work around it..the
> supermount thing I also worked around, and used the same entries in my
> fstab file as my 6.1 box where the burner works fine. so now my burner
> also works fine in 7.0...
> ...but this crap with the XFS dying at will, is a royal pain in the
> ass..
> Axalon suggested to look in the /var/log/messages  if after
> "restarting" xfs ....the X server still bombed...it did and here is what
> is says..
> xfs: xfs startup successful
> xfs: fatal font server error
> xfs: can not establish any listening sockets
> So...what does one do to get some "sockets" listening...???
> I have been a big supporter/advocate of Mandrake since 6.0, and just
> wrote a very nice review for our local LUG about 7.0, where I was
> highly complimentary...just before the thing killed xfs...
> We were going to do an install of 7.0 at our next LUG meeeting...but now
> we have decided to try Storm for this round..maybe by the next meeting,
> someone will have an answer for this xfs thing.
> Thanks for your input Alan..but I'm just a tad frustrated by having the
> same problem crop up twice since Friday :-/
>  --
>         best regards
>                 -michael
> Michael Chopek  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Down to Earth Development Ltd - http://www.d2earth.com/
> Website & Web Applications Development
> Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  - http://www.d2earth.com/mail_list.html

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