I noticed the color problems as well, did you try shutting down KDE and
restarting it after applying your new color settings?

Riyad Kalla
General Partner, Multimedia & Design

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Shoemaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 8:54 AM
Subject: [expert] two things

> I've noticed two small problems with 7.0 since I installed it.
> The first one is concerning an icon on the desktop called
> Dos_sda1 and its associated fstab entry.  When I clicked on the
> icon to open it the system locked, cursor was stopped dead and
> none of the ususal ctl-alt combinations would do anything.  A
> reset was needed.  After a reboot the same problem occurred when
> navigating to the /mnt/DOS_sda1/ directory with kfm.  When I
> attempted to open the /mnt/DOS_sda1/ directory with kfm the
> system locked up again.  So I tried navigating to it in a
> console using cd, no problem here, all worked as it should.  The
> fstab entry looked like this:
> /dev/sda1  /mnt/DOS_sda1  vfat user,exec,conv=auto  0 0
> I changed it to:
> /dev/sda1  /mnt/DOS_sda1  vfat defaults  0 0
> and the problem went away.
> The second one is concerning the Colors function in the Desktop
> section of the KDE Control Center.  When I attempt to install a
> color scheme different than the default (yellow title bar) it
> does not change, it stays the same.  I cannot get rid of the
> yellow title bar.
> Alan

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