Sunday, January 30, 2000, 10:51:08 PM, you wrote:

Hello Robert,

I have Dell Inspiron 7500 with the same 3com card, and, with the same
Mandrake 7.0 you mentioned ;-) . Under mandrake 7.0, the card works

The only problem I met is the run sequence of sysv scripts. Because
PCMCIA subsystem is more generic - it provides modem(serial) device,
ethernet device, etc - it should be run before

Mandrake uses the same sequence that Redhat uses - not strange - so
when network is started, eth0 can't be used. I manually edited the
/etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia script, modified the 'chkconfig' line to
'chkconfig 2345 05 96' ( be careful, there are two such lines, you
should modify the second one), and then run
'chkconfig --del pcmcia; chkconfig --add pcmcia' , so pcmcia
subsystem is started before network subsystem.

BTW, the card can't be recoginized when I install mandrake 7.0, but
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start' is enough to bring it up. Just
create /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0 with correct settings
and enjoy it.

RjB> I have a Dell Inspiron 7000 with a 3com 3c575c nic.. I finally figured out that
RjB> the correct module for it is the 3c575_cb.o ..Which is included with the latest
RjB> mandrake 7.0.. 

RjB> When booting everything seems to work.. The network comes up and I see that 
RjB> has loaded the 3c575_cb.o module.. It responds.. 
RjB> I can ping the card and localhost, route -n and netstat -r give the correct 
routing info..
RjB> BUT I STILL CANNOT GET OUT ON THE NETWORK. It doesn't make any sense to me..
RjB> A few times I got a buffer error which leave me to believe that something is 
broken in
RjB> mandrake 7.0....

RjB> What is wrong with mandrake?? I'd love to use it but this and the many other 
RjB> people are having is pointless... Linux has been around for a long time now.. Its 
time that
RjB> the distros get their shit together...


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