Well I never seem to see my posts on this list... I've resubscribed
a few times now... I guess it makes it to the digest list ... They must be
running mandrake7.0  on the list serv...

Anyway here's my take..

I have a Dell Inspiron 7000 with a 3com 3c575c nic.. I finally figured out that
the correct module for it is the 3c575_cb.o ..Which is included with the latest
mandrake 7.0.. 

When booting everything seems to work.. The network comes up and I see that cardmgr
has loaded the 3c575_cb.o module.. It responds.. 
I can ping the card and localhost, route -n and netstat -r give the correct routing 
BUT I STILL CANNOT GET OUT ON THE NETWORK. It doesn't make any sense to me..
A few times I got a buffer error which leave me to believe that something is broken in
mandrake 7.0....
I wiped the drive... - 7.0 hours of config work gone... and installed Red Hat 6.1..
I Did the same network config and selected the same module (3c575_cb.o) and the network
WORKS! Go figure... Now I just have to upgrade a few hundred packages... but atleast
I can...cuz the network works!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is wrong with mandrake?? I'd love to use it but this and the many other problems
people are having is pointless... Linux has been around for a long time now.. Its time 
the distros get their shit together...


Network Administrator
Physiology Department
University of Kentucky

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