Theo Brinkman wrote:

> Sergio Korlowsky wrote:
> ...
> > and yes... Linux can read write fat32.
> What do you need to do to let NON-root users write to a FAT32 partition?
>         - Theo

It is not wise to allow users to write to any partition on your system
but if you want to write to a vfat as user, in your own system
just  use File Manager (Super User Mode) and you can do it.
Second choice... log into a terminal 'su' and actually 'mv' (move) the
to any directory or partition you want.

Is this what you were asking?  maybe I mis_undestood?

Sergio Korlowsky

                M A N D R A K E
        "The friendliest LINUX Distro"
              Time is in Our Side
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