On Thu, 03 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> OK so if it is a new machine (in this case is a 11/99 BIOS - ABIT board,
> the addition to the lilo.config is not required
> This is common knowledge - my question is HOW I CAN MAKE THIS LINUX crap
> to recognize more than 64M.????
Add the line, even if it's a "new" BIOS. Also make sure you have the
latest BIOS possible. Try it at the lilo command as follows:
LILO: linux append="mem=128M"
and it SHOULD work. If it does, just add it to your /etc/lilo.conf. I
have yet to read of anywhere it did NOT work. I'm sure there are
extreme cases where it won't work, but I don't recall hearing of any.
Heck, it even works when you O/C the processor and it stops reporting
the correct RAM automagically...

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