Adrian Saidac wrote:

> I agree with all of you flame or not.
> I really need an answer not a status of other systems.
> Given the fact that Red Hat/Mandrake is keeping a long silence about
> this make me believe that there is a problem somewhere. Why is showing
> only on certain systems - THAT'S the mystery!!

Well, I don't and won't use ABIT boards, so it is unlikely I will be able to
reproduce your error EXCEPT:

I set this system for OS/2  My 119M shrunk to 63!!!!

I activated the memory hole at 15-16M and my memory magically shrunk to 14M!

Look at your BIOS.  Hit DEL when it is starting up, check the menus out for these
rather standard settings, OR


append mem="<yourRAM>M"

to /etc/lilo.conf

and as root

# /sbin/lilo
# shutdown -r now

And if you cannot understand that it is NOT safe for an OS to test the memory
directly, then you probably have never heard of memory-mapped I/O or shadowing, nor
do you realize that linux runs on systems that routinely do those things

consider that m68klinux may not be able to utilize the same binaries, but it can
deal with the same source, and so can linuxppc, alpha linux, etc.

Your conjecture that linux cannot handle more that 64M is ...  perhaps a leap made
without extensive knowledge.

And yes I have a reason I don't use ABIT boards.  I have never implemented one in
linux without a hassle.  I decided I would rather not live with the choices made by
the ABIT design engineers, which impress me as one kludge on top of another.  YMMV,
of course.


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