On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 09:16:09 -0500, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:

->Oeystein Hermansen wrote:
->> In the adminprogram for KISDN, called KCMKISDN, there is a section where
->> you set the path to the to deamons.  One path (don't know which since I am
->> sitting at work right now) points to /sbin and on to /usr/bin.  In the
->> Mandrake setup, they shall both point to /sbin.
->> Then it worked.  It just couldn't find the deamon to start.
->> "Klaus Peter Elsner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09.02.2000 17:57:13
->> Shure... it's my problem too :-) as far as I'm coming inside the problem I
->> knew that there is no ioption.ippp0
->> at your system ( which is needed to do the call ).
->I guess I don't understand.  I have an external ISDN modem ( Motorola BitSufer
->PRO ) hooked to a serial port (ttyS1) and just had to use the kppp dialer that
->came with KDE.  It treats it like a regular modem and was SO simple that even I
->figured it out on the second try.  Am I not understanding something here or is
->there some other type of ISDN modem / router / whatever ??
It's realy easy. I myself use a internal ISDN card ( Teles 16.3 (no PnP )).  So 
running Kisdn takes some files (ioptions.ipppX.  X standing for the 
ISDN Channel)  for knowing how to dial out. 
These files hasn't been set up while the daemon wasn't started right before.
And the deamon hasn't been found due to the wrong pointing at kcmkisdn setup. They 
used an default path showing the ipppd (pointing to 
/usr/sbin/ippd ) when you take the browser near by to control if it will be there it 
will show you the ippd at once ( NOT at /usr/sbin BUT in /sbin ) 
That's what I've been overlooked all the time. 
I knew it was a matter of installing but ..... live is so hard :-)

Bye Peter

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