I have an odd situation that has recently occurred...

I have 5 linux boxes that runs Samba 2.0.3.
Group: Linux
Box1: Web1
Box2: DNS1
Box3: DNS2
Box4: Proxy
Box5: Firewall

Up until recently, all 5 would show up in the network neighborhood under the Linux 
Now for some reason, they do not show up.  The group Linux shows up, but when I click 
it, I get the following error:
Linux is not accessible
The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available

The odd thing is that I can still map the computers.  If I do a network drive mapping, 
map web1 to letter V:
\\web1\root  (under windows NT and 98), I can still map it and use it without any
problems.  I just can not see or access it in the network neighborhood.  I have not 
any changes to the servers or to either of my windows computers.  This worked 
perfectly for
over 6 months, and now it is doing this.  I have restarted all computers involved, but 
has not made any difference.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mike Kirkpatrick

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