On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> seanc wrote:
> > Install detects 128 mb of ram.
> > top/free report only 64.
> >
> > Reinstalled. Same deal.  Where is this setting kept and how can I change
> > it?  This is my workstation / game-box so it runs windoze too and it likes
> > and uses all 128 mb.
> >
> > Oh yeah using loadlin rather than lilo.  Could that be the problem? (Don't
> > think so but I can't rule it out).  3 DIMMS (64,32,32 respectively).
> >
> > Any ideas??? (i'm frustrated and stumped).. I've gone through all the init
> > scripts I could find and every config file with no luck.
> >
> > Sean Cody ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > "Codito ergo sum" (I code therefore I am)
> >         Rasterman
> I just posted a message about this.  Linux and lilo take what is reported by
> the BIOS.
> Some common problems:
> 1. If you have the BIOS set for OS/2  you end at 64.
> 2. If you leave the memory hole open you get to see 14  or 15.
> 3.  If you have anything memory mapped and you have an AMI BIOS likely it
> will misreport.
> The solution:
> 1. Figure out how much memory you have.  Some video cards take a chunk of
> it.  Make sure you have the RAM available.
> 2. In lilo.conf add this line
> append = "mem=xyzM"
> where xyz = 120 for 120M of RAM, for example.

Don't you have to specify one meg of RAM less than you have? At least this was
suggested to me to help with my Abit BP-6 problems.

I have the following in my lilo.conf:

        append="hdc=ide-scsi mem=255M"

I also pass in that I want to use ide-scsi as my other option.

-- Stephen

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