Getting odd behavior with Kppp on new homebuilt Athlon 650MHz/MicroStar
K7 Pro mobo system under MDK 7.0 that was not an issue on my other
Celeron 466/Abit BM6 box.

When setting up Kppp as usual, and attempting first connection (this is
after properly configuring the USR 28.8 ISA PnP modem with 'setserial',
isapnptools, etc.), the modem initializes OK, then Kppp begins dialing,
then immediately locks with the error message: "Script timed out.".  Any
subsequent attempt to dial into ISP with Kppp results in Kppp getting
caught in a vicious circle of "modem initializing, dialing, 'script
timed out', then going through the same sequence until stopping it with
'cancel'.  All 'timeout' settings are same as with my other boxen, even
increased all of them with same result.

What script is timing out here, and is this an issue with Athlon boxes
only?  Able to make connection with minicom or Kwvdial with no problem,
so I suspect it's a Kppp issue.

Any help is appreciated.


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