Tom Snell wrote:
> Getting odd behavior with Kppp on new homebuilt Athlon 650MHz/MicroStar
> K7 Pro mobo system under MDK 7.0 that was not an issue on my other
> Celeron 466/Abit BM6 box.
> When setting up Kppp as usual, and attempting first connection (this is
> after properly configuring the USR 28.8 ISA PnP modem with 'setserial',
> isapnptools, etc.), the modem initializes OK, then Kppp begins dialing,
> then immediately locks with the error message: "Script timed out.".  Any
> subsequent attempt to dial into ISP with Kppp results in Kppp getting
> caught in a vicious circle of "modem initializing, dialing, 'script
> timed out', then going through the same sequence until stopping it with
> 'cancel'.  All 'timeout' settings are same as with my other boxen, even
> increased all of them with same result.
> What script is timing out here, and is this an issue with Athlon boxes
> only?  Able to make connection with minicom or Kwvdial with no problem,
> so I suspect it's a Kppp issue.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Tom

I had this with a Celeron 333 and AMD 400 on 6.1.  I took out all the
timeouts in the script except for the one after I start ppp on the
server side.  Then I have a timeout of 60 seconds waiting for the
connection to start.  You might want to try that.

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