On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 05:44:35PM +0000, M Thompson wrote:
| Alex,
| You sound knowledgeable about CD burning...maybe you could lend some advice.
| I recently got a CD-RW drive, but I haven't yet burned a CD in Linux.
| Does the command "mkisofs -J -r <dir> | cdrecord -v fs=8m ..." make an ISO 
| filesystem on the CD-R and then burn the contents of <dir> onto the newly 
| formatted CD?

Correct. Works really nicely, except when you (as I wrote) use the
Mdk7 rpm for cdrecord. I'm attaching cdroast.pl, a perl script that I
wrote specifically to do command-line CD burning operations, which I
thought might be of general interest. One catch: you'll need Greg
Ward's MNI perl libary and Getopt::Tabular module, both of which you
can get from ftp://ftp.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/pub/perl/.

If anything, cdroast.pl may provide you with examples on how to use
mkisofs/cdrecord. Note that it has a few hacks that are

| What is the best way to make an "exact" copy of a CD in Linux (including the 
| CD boot sector, etc.)?  I only have one CD drive (my CD-RW drive), and I'm 
| trying to avoid the graphical frontends for now.

You can find all this info in the CD-Writing HOWTO: 


-- Alex


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