On Wed, 01 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Scott Sprunger wrote:
> > I've got a Compaq Deskpro 4000 5233MMX with a Compaq S3 ViRGE/GX PCI
> > V1.70 video card.  I'm trying to set up X in Mandrake 7.0 using
> > Xconfigurator but so far have been mostly unsuccessful.  The problem is
> > that X will come up but the screen is distorted (especially around the
> > mouse pointer).  So I tried Xconfigurator --noauto which allowed me to
> > make sure the S3 ViRGE/GX driver was selected along with the correct
> > monitor.  I'm fairly certain the problem is not with the monitor as I've
> > successfully run RedHat 6.1 and X in the past.  I also tried the S3
> > ViRGE generic driver and finally the plain S3 driver but all 3 do the
> > same thing.  Has anyone else seen this before and if so find a solution?
> >
> > Cordially,
> >
> > Scott Sprunger
I'm running an S3 Virge / GX on Mandrake 6.0.
Here's a cut / paste from my WORKING S3 Virge / GX:
Section "Device"
    Identifier  "S3 Virge / GX"
    VendorName  "AOpen"
    BoardName   "PT75 Plus II"
    #VideoRam    4096
     #Option "xaa_benchmark"
     #Option "fifo_moderate"
     #Option "pci_burst_on"
     #Option "pci_retry"
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

I'm using XFree86, X-TT 1.2.1, patches according to KDE
Control Center. I'm also (I think) using a frame-buffer kernel. I've
got some problems with this when I *leave* X, but before I enter X
and while I'm IN X, things are great. Console windows are fine as
well. It's only when I shut down X or try to open a different TTY in
console mode that I have problems. Can't read the characters. This is
supposedly fixed in a newer X server, but I haven't bothered to
upgrade. Also, I'm using the Generic SVGA driver.

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