Assuming this is on topic since squid is shipped with mandrake :)
How about blocking most banner ads from most web sites.

Here is how to do it. setup squid with the access controls that you are
comfortable with.  Then look on freshmeat for squidredirect it is a
simple little script. download it and make it the same user and group as
squid - in mandrake that is user and group squid.

then look thru squid.conf for the commented out line about redirector
helper files and modify it to run this redirector. There are 2 line one
is which script to run and the next is how many to run at once. I set
mine with 4 with 1 or 2 I had to hit stop and then reload on my browser
at times.

then in your web browser find the proxy setting and put in you squid
machines domain name or ip address and the port number 3128 - unless you
changed it from default.

-- enjoy --

I have mine running on a machine at work - connected via cat5 to the
same T1 that my ISP has all the local modems connected to. Then I have
my browser at home filter everything thru it.  It sure makes my 33.6
connection seem better when browsing.

Sridhar G wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way to block the banner ads from a website.
> Cheers
> Sridhar

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