> You, sir, probably belong to neither group. You are looking at
> a social place, and want to see ever expanding level of expertise
> on this list.
No shit. But me? Social? Sorry.
> This is not the intent. The mailing lists have
> a place, and it is to help the Mandrake user. By their very
> nature, the people asking are those that do not know the
> answers.
Of course. And in order to make the list useful we need to =retain= as
much expertise here as possible. In order for the 'experts' to stay
around, it has to be worth their while; that's when MandrakeSoft should
step in.
> There is an influx of new people all the time. It is wrong to
> get angry or be dissapointed just because a Newcomer is having
> problem with Modems, his WinModem don't work, or his PPP link
> won't come up.
Did I sound angry? Notice I said "long-running" and modem BRAND.
Of course there should be questions about PPP and use with Linux.
And no questions should be off-limits. But why belabor all the various
brands there are when there are surely more important issues people
would rather ask about but are reluctant to?
> To make it plain, I have received VERY LITTLE help from this
> list, although I do get a surprise once in a while.
I have received a small amount of help as well.
Can you understand what I'm trying to do? Make the list so the 'experts'
don't abandon a forum that can benefit all, which they had been doing
in droves. And encourage openness, which is the opposite of
tightassedness and fear. This will float all boats.
> If you get tired of the Questions and their answers; if the
> list is repetitive to you, or sounds trivial, then I would
> say that you have outgrown it.
Can't recall ever saying this... 8\
> Linux is a long, tall ladder. We all climb this ladder of
> learning. As we slowly climb, we see those above and ask for
> help, and at the same time we reach down and help pull up
> those below us. While we move up this ladder, we have to
> recognize that new people are getting on the lower rungs all
> the time.
Right. And this is life, as well.
Carl A. Cook
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