Yeah, I think you would get a hang with append="mem=256"
                                                    try append="mem=256M"
You said you have 256mb not 256b didn't you? Or was that a typo in the

David Warnock wrote:

> Hi,
> As per the subject I have a Panrix machine with an AMD Athalon
> processor, it has 256mb RAM (and this is checked and counted OK by the
> bios at boot time).  The kernel (2.2.14 - standard from Mandrake 7.0) is
> only finding 64mb).
> The installer showed 65mb, I tried entering 256 but it was ignored so
> far as I can see.
> I have tried adding append "mem=256" to my lilo.conf, but this causes
> the kernel to hang on bootup.
> I have made sure the bios is not shadowing any areas of RAM.
> Anyone got any bright ideas about how to rescue my RAM? I am happy to
> use a custom kernel but so far I have not found an option that makes any
> difference.
> Thanks
> Dave

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