Dear friends:

This is a footnote to my long letter concerning Linux, VMware and Win3.1
(which is in fact one of the guest OS's supported by VMware for Linux).

Here is a simple question:

I downloaded an xyz.exe file for Win3.1 using Linux into my /home/sher
directory (At this point I still don't know how to access the Internet
on Win3.1/Vmware). Now how do I move or copy this file to Win3.1.
Obviously, it would be something like:

#cp xyz.exe to C:\ (the Windows directory)? 


But where in the world am I going to find Drive C:\ on my Linux system.
I checked the file system, KDE's file system. It's not in
/home/sher/vmware/win31. So where is it? Or is there a special way to do

Just curious.

Thank you so much.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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