On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 14:44 -0500, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> > When I do a shutdown -h now the system shutsdown the various file
> > systems and then says system is halted..After this mine says..stopping all md
> > devices, the screen then is filled with columns of scrolling numbers like
> > d3>][<c383fcff] [<c383058e>]....Could anyone tell me how to avoid this..
> > It does not seem to affect the shutdown as I do not get a warning message on
> > reboot..I tried a sync sync before shutdown but it made no difference......
> > 
> Your system is trying to auto-power down. You need to tell
> it not to attempt to power down. Sorry, I forgot what you
> need to edit or what changes need to be made, but basically

Here's the details:

Giving the command to shutdown is switching into runlevel 6. In
runlevel 6 all started demons are stopped (KXXnameofdemon).
Then /etc/rc.d/init.d/killall gets started (S00killall) which
kills all running processes.
Finally /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt gets started (S01reboot=link to

In /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt there are the cases "halt" and

The last line in /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt says:
    eval $command -i -d -p

Now do a 'man halt' and you may read this:

  -d     Don't write the wtmp record. The -n flag implies -d.

  -i     Shut down all network interfaces just before halt
         or reboot.

  -p     When halting the system, do a poweroff. This  is the
         default when halt is called as poweroff.

In short:
Edit /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt and remove the '-p' in the last line.

This is in there because MandrakeSoft assumes everybody to have

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