On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> > Hi..
> > When I do a shutdown -h now the system shutsdown the various file
> > systems and then says system is halted..After this mine says..stopping all md
> > devices, the screen then is filled with columns of scrolling numbers like
> > d3>][<c383fcff] [<c383058e>]....Could anyone tell me how to avoid this..
> > It does not seem to affect the shutdown as I do not get a warning message on
> > reboot..I tried a sync sync before shutdown but it made no difference......
> > 
> Your system is trying to auto-power down. You need to tell
> it not to attempt to power down. Sorry, I forgot what you
> need to edit or what changes need to be made, but basically
> it's the APM trying to shut down your machine. It's just
> better to manually power it down by pushing the power
> button than to let Linux power it down....
>       John
Thanks to all for the info..
This shutdown is basically what I do..The scrolling stops after abt 3 minutes
and then I power down...
I have run SuSe, Slackware, Debian on this partion in the past and not one of
these has exhibited this tendency...

   Regards Ted
            Ted Wager.......Mandrake Linux 7

 OS From :- www.eridani.co.uk

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