Vern asked:

>Which files do I edit to get access to my floppy disk and CD RoM?  (or words to that 
>>>>>Vern, your mailer is sending your text as attachments and  that format killed one 
>of my replies<<<<

Vern, I don't understand.  Your floppy and CDROM should be
immediately accessible without editing any files, unless you did
an expert install with PARANOID security or you have some really
strange hardware.

Without more information, I have no idea how to help you.  

I do recomend to newer users that they start with LOW security
level until they learn the dodges needed to work with the higher
ones.  Just running linux is a deterrent to most script kiddies
and mandrake doesn't have any 3-year old binaries full of holes
for them to exploit.  The higher levels are fine, once you know
how to work the system.

But the only file to really "edit" to get the access would be
/etc/fstab.  If you have to ask, I recommend you use
DrakConf->Linuxconf->access local filesystems as your editor,
because a mistake in directly editing /etc/fstab could leave you
reaching for the rescue floppy and learning the chroot command.


Remember that if it is done on networks, it may occur on
your host which is a network unto itself.

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