On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 07:04:22AM -0500, Lane Lester wrote:
-> Russ Johnson said:
-> > find [root of search] [option] regex [option]
-> >  
-> >  So, to find the file "httpd" do the following:
-> >  
-> >  First, if you like, try "which httpd". It might be in your path. If that
-> >  doesn't do anything, then try "find / -name httpd -print". That find command
-> >  will search the whole file system for that file.
-> I like to use "locate" because it's so fast. I wrote a small script that just
-> does the following with "lm":
-> locate $1 | more
-> because I use that so often. But is there a way to restrict the search for a
-> precise set of characters (I didn't find it in the man page... at least not so
-> I could understand it).
-> For example, I was looking for "core" files to delete, and locate gave me a
-> flock of "corel" entries.

Supposedly, locate will accept a regex as an argument, but I just filter
through grep for the same results.

locate snark | grep -i "/home/ccurley"

or some such.


                -- C^2

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