SLRN is the answer!  And it should be available on your Mandrake

Homepage is,

anmd the redoubtable Sven's slrn page is worth a visit

Set it up with leafnode to collect your news so that you xcan
read off-line; or just read online if that's best for you.

Have a look at Martin Holland's NoEther Linux page for details of
how to set this up( and where you can find leafnode!)

Some really good stuff here!



On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 12:50:50PM -0500, thus spake vern:
> Is there a good newsreader for Linux?
> I've tried the one in Netscape and would
> like one that works both on/offine similar
> to Agent in that "other" OS!
> Vern

       * "The soul is greater than the hum of it's parts. " *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *

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