SLRN will not, to the best of my knowledge, download anything!
On the system I was suggesting Leafnode does the fetching and
carrying.  SLRN deals with the news when it has arrived, reading,
replying posting etc (for all that off-line you need slrnpull
too, which is also on the Mandrake CD - wonderful people they
think of everything!)
Leafnode certainly will download headers only and then allow you
to collect the articles you want to read - you need to set the
delaybody option to 1.  Leafnode has the most intellgible
configuration file I've ever seen! and the source is very easy to
compile and install.  Martin Holland's Noether linux page I
mentioned in my last shot will tell you all about it.....

slrn is a console programme but you can easily set it up to run
in an xterm or rxvt when you click on an icon in KDE

Sorry - that's enough evangelism for tonight.

Glyn M.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 08:26:01AM -0600, thus spake Oliver L. Plaine Jr.:
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2000 21:49:18 -0500,Vern wrote:
> >I missed my "Agent" the most!
> >Vern
> >
> >
> >On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Glyn wrote:
> >> SLRN is the answer!  And it should be available on your Mandrake
> >> CD.
> ----------------------------
> Mon, 27 Mar 2000  07:54:21
> The one capability that Forte Agent has that I consider to be
> essential, is the ability to download the headers only for the
> messages in subscribed newsgroups...allowing me to read them offline
> and individually select the ones I am interested in..
>       Then go back online and download the bodies for these messages
> only...once again to be read and answered offline (as I am doing now)
> ..sometimes it takes hours to read these and think of an answer...I do
> not wish to tie up my phone line needlessly in this manner. Will SLRN
> do this?
> Thank you 
> Olly P

       * "The soul is greater than the hum of it's parts. " *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *

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