Leopold Palomo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a strange problem with kde. My computer is PII266 128Mb, 13 Gb
> IDE,.. nothing expecial. I have several partitions of my hard disk, and
> one of them are a typical win95 in hda1. My root partition is hda5. My
> problem is that ONLY with Mandrake distribution (I have tested it with
> corel and suse) if I open window with kfm and I open where my win95
> partition is mounted, I hang up kfm!!!. I have to ctrl + alt + back to
> reset the X session to returns a normal operation. The more interesting
> thing is that I can work without any problem with that partition with
> gnome, or kruiser, but with kfm not. Any ideas???
> Leo

If you use linuxconf or if you look in your /etc/fstab you will
see a line like this

/dev/hda1  /somemt_pt vfat user,exec,...,conv=auto,...  0 0

It is this conv=auto that does it.  You can "free" kfm by looking
in windows and its subdirectories and deleting all the little
files called ".directory".  conv=auto confuses kfm.  PUT
conv=binary explicitly into the /etc/fstab line and all will be


P.S.  If corel or SuSE have the conv=auto, you can duplicate the
error with them by DRAGGING a directory with a non-zero number of
files in it (at least one real text file with more than one line)
from linux to windows.

>   -----------------------------------------------------------------
>                      Name: lpalomo.vcf
>    lpalomo.vcf       Type: VCard (text/x-vcard)
>                  Encoding: 7bit
>               Description: Targeta per a Leopold Palomo

Remember that if it is done on networks, it may occur on
your host which is a network unto itself.

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